- On the main form, create an iframe section
- Create a new IFRAME, place it in the section
URL: about:blank
- Open the Form Properties
- Edit Onload
- Check Event is enabled
- Paste the following code
var navId = "nav_new_new_assets_new_assetitem";
if(document.getElementById(navId) != null)
var tmp = document.getElementById(navId).onclick.toString();
tmp = tmp.substring(tmp.indexOf("'")+1, tmp.indexOf(";"));
var loadArea = tmp.substring(0, tmp.indexOf("'"));
var roleOrd = (tmp.indexOf("roleOrd") == -1) ? -1 : tmp.substring( tmp.indexOf("roleOrd"), tmp.lastIndexOf("'")).replace("\x3d", "=");
crmForm.all.IFRAME_Items.src = (roleOrd == -1) ? GetFrameSrc(loadArea) : GetFrameSrc(loadArea) + "&" + roleOrd;
function GetFrameSrc(tabSet)
if (crmForm.ObjectId != null)
var id = crmForm.ObjectId;
var type = crmForm.ObjectTypeCode;
var security = crmFormSubmit.crmFormSubmitSecurity.value;
var path = document.location.pathname.substring(0, document.location.pathname.indexOf("edit.aspx")) + "areas.aspx?";
return (path + "oId=" + id + "&oType=" + type + "&security=" + security + "&tabSet=" + tabSet);
return "about:blank";
- Now there are two things we need to edit here (items in bold).
- First one is var navId=
- This needs to be the related entity, but we want the navId, not the URL.
- Easy way to find this ID, is to use IE Developer Tools.
- Open your main form
- Click Tool > Developer Tools
- Within Developer Tools, Click the ARROW (Select Element by Click)
- Now go back to your main form and click the related entity under details
- A New window will appear in Developer Tools, It should have highlighted the CRM Nav Subarea.
- Locate the ID=
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